From NOK 160
Kayak rental for all ages. B-Active Kayaks are super stable and unsinkable sit-on-top kayaks that are safe to use without extensive experience. Perfect for trips on the Ulvik fjord for just 1 hour to a whole day. No experience required. Also suitable for fishing trips on the fjord. Have a look at our fishing equipment rental options.
Kayak rental rates
- 1 hour: 160,- nok
- 2 hours: 210,- nok
- 1/2 day (4 hours): 260,- nok
- 1 day (8 hours): 420,- nok
- 2 days or more: 600,- nok (per day)
Latest return time for multi day kayak rental: 20:00 h.
- Information about routes, destinations and points of interest available at the reception.
- Possibility for kayaking on the lakes on Hardangervidda. (on request)
- Paddle
- Life jacket
- Kayak
- Basic kayak instructioning
Difficulty and safety
- All ages. No special requirements expected. Children younger then 16 years old, have to be accompanied by parents.
- Participation is at own responsibility and after signing a waiver.
Clothing & equipment
- Wear clothing fit for the weather
- Shoes, spare clothing, camera etc can be stored in waterproof containers.
1st June - 31st August
(outside of season on request)
Available days:
1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours, 2 or more days
Explore Ulvik and Osa from Fjord side!
The kayaks from the B-Active Center are very stable, making it suitable for everyone regardless their experience or age!